Sheer bloody exhaustion
Almost too tired to type. Today's heading says it all, really. The last couple of days work has felt like riding a motorbike down the wrong side of the motorway on speed. Or something like that. Some unexpected stuff flew in from leftfield which all had to be turned around super fast, I had back-to-back meetings, a presentation to prepare for a conference tomorrow, and my PA Sonie leaves me in four day's time. My email inbox is out of control and my 'to do' list exceeds one side of A4. Argh! I wrote the presentation on the train home at 10pm tonight after a couple of glasses of wine to send the lovely Sonie off on her travels. It will be interesting looking at that again tomorrow morning. Goodness knows what I've written. As I type two-year-old Nath has just woken up again and thrown the bottle I took him half an hour ago out of his cot, and seven month old Ava has been woken by his cries of disgust, so my hopes of going to bed have just been dashed....Really MUST get some sleep some time...