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Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Nits cause radio silence

OK, this is going to sound totally pathetic, but the nits have now literally taken over my life. You'll have to excuse the radio silence over the last few days, but blogging simply couldn't compete with lice-killing. The infestation reached magnificent proportions this week as we proved the ultimate closeness of our family by each and every one of us succumbing to the nasty things one by one. Apparently, head lice cannot jump and are only passed from person to person by physical contact between heads. I promise you, even though we do love each other dearly, we really don't spend all our time rubbing our heads together. Nonetheless, the damned things have slithered and crawled their way from head to head, or whatever it is they do. Last night I lost my rag with the daily process of washing, conditioning and combing every single family members' hair on a daily basis. Bedtimes have been receding and mornings getting earlier and earlier to accomodate the processes involved. Time relaxing on the sofa has all but disappeared. Exasperated, I sent Paul out to buy the strongest nit-killing potion he could find. His deeply buried hunter-gatherer instincts exploded into action and he came home heroically bearing several metric tonnes of 'Hedrin', which we applied en masse last night. Having drowned the critters in the stuff, washed everyone's hair this morning (twice), and put every piece of bedding in the house through the wash, we now look forward with eager anticipation to round 2 in a week's time (this is 'critical' according to the instructions, if one is to avoid further 'infestation'). Oh, I also went to work today and did all sorts of stuff between lice-killing sessions. But the lice story just struck me as more entertaining. Or, at least weirder. Thinking about it, maybe I should have thought about another topic.... Hmmm.


Adrian said...

You get used to it - there is a cycle - something like every day for a week and then every couple of days and then once a week...

Adrian said...

Chemicals are a waste of time - combing may be hard work but it works.

Stay at home dad said...

I was concerned enough, before reading Adrian's comments. Keep up the genocide Baby Juggler!

Scruffy Mummy said...

Oh god - I'm so not looking forward to nits. I've heard it's inevitable though - maybe I should just shave the sprogs head!

Working Mum said...

It's a nightmare, chaps. But, as Adrian says, you kinda get into a cycle!

Unknown said...

After the first bout, you get paranoid, in a good way. You start checking regularly. If the nasty beasts return, they don't have a chance to really take hold. Ha!